Sunday, December 29, 2019

Combatting the CSI Effect

Combatting the CSI EffectCombatting the CSI EffectCrime dramas are fun, engaging and entertaining to watch, but is it possible that they cause mora harm than good? The tremendous popularity of television shows like has gone a long way toward building interest in the field of forensic science and crime scene investigations, but there may be a downside the CSI effect The CSI Effect There is a concern among the forensic science and law enforcement communities that the technology and tactics presented in these shows have lead to unrealistic expectations about police capabilities among the public at large and, even worse, potential jurors. The CSI effect is a term applied to the increasingly pervasive idea that criminal cases can be wrapped up in an hour and that there is always incontrovertible proof of guilt available. The Reality of Crime Scene Investigations vs Television While its true that great advances have been made in the area of forensic science, its unrealistic to expe ct a crime scene to be processed, evidence analyzed and a conclusive forensics report to be completed before the detective or criminal investigator assigned to the case gets back to the office after leaving the scene. Unfortunately, though, that is what many victims expect, and what a lot of juries now look for. When they dont see it, defense attorneys often exploit the lack of DNA or other smoking gun evidence in an effort to make it appear as though law enforcement investigators didnt do their job. Usually, though, nothing could be further from the truth. Crime Scene Investigations TakeDays, Not Hours Instead, crime scene investigations and scene processing take hours, and sometimes days, if done correctly in order to avoid contamination. After the evidence is gathered, its usually brought to a secure temporary storage facility to be logged and tracked before it is sent to the appropriate laboratory. This process alone will usually take days, not hours, as meticulous records m ust be kept and strict rules of evidence must be followed. The idea that crime scene investigators collect evidence at a scene, bring it directly to a lab and either jump on a microscope to analyze it themselves or ask their lab tech buddy to do me a favor and get that to me by the end of the day simply doesnt happen. In fact, depending on the department or the crime, many forensic science technicians dont respond to the scene at all. Some very specialized technicians, such as bloodstain pattern analysts, may respond to the scene and collect their own evidence. Most forensic science technicians, though, analyze evidence collected by police detectives or police officers. The Waiting Game inCrime Scene Investigations Once the evidence makes its way to the lab, quite often it sits and waits some more. Crime laboratories across the country have huge backlogs. Most evidence will take a month or more to process. Some evidence, like DNA, can take a year or longer. The fact is, there ar e too many cases and not enough resources. When investigators place a rush request on evidence, they might get results back in a week or two, if they are lucky. Crime Scene Investigations AreNot Quite Picture Perfect CSI fans will also be disappointed to learn that there are no bells and whistles or alarms that go off when a forensic ballistics technician finds a match or a DNA profile is connected to a crime scene. No picture shows up on the computer screen, and no computer software exists to unequivocally declare that Colonel Mustard used the revolver in the study. Instead, after the analysis is completed, all thats displayed is a code or series of codes to be entered into another database to search for a match. Actual eintrag is Required forCrime Scene Investigations In the case of DNA and fingerprints, matches can only be located if there is already data on file. No comprehensive database exists containing the DNA profiles of everyone in the country. In fact, little more than 3 percent of the population has DNA profiles on file. The numbers of fingerprint records are significantly larger, but still nowhere near the numbers required to replicate the speed and efficiency of identifying suspects that is portrayed on television. Typically, in order to perform an analysis, investigators must already have a suspect in mind and request a DNA or fingerprint sample from him. This is sometimes easier said than done, because taking DNA is considered a seizure, with all of the Fourth Amendment protections that go with it. If a subject refuses to provide a sample, a search warrant will be required. Detectives Put the Pieces Together inCrime Scene Investigations Analyzing the evidence is one thing. Properly applying it is something else entirely. Contrary to popular belief and what has been portrayed on television, there is rarely a single smoking gun that proves guilt. Instead, cases are built and convictions won based on several pieces of evidence and test imony that come together to show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To do this, detectives must take the findings of forensic technicians and look at them as one piece of a much larger puzzle. The only thing DNA or fingerprints can really tell an investigator is that, at some point, a suspect was at the crime scene. This doesnt mean he committed the crime, or that he was even necessarily present at the time the crime was committed. Criminal Investigations Take Teamwork Solving crimes, especially complex ones, takes a tremendous amount of teamwork and patience. A proper and thorough investigation will often take months or longer before a suspect is identified and arrested, and years before they are tried and convicted. While this may appear to be a far more tedious process than what has been portrayed in popular culture, its necessary to ensure that justice is dispensed properly and fairly. If Crime Scene InvestigationWasnt Hard, It Wouldnt Be Fun This should in no way diminish the interest in a forensic science career or other criminology career, though. In fact, an argument could be made that if investigations were as easy as they appear on television, theyd be far less interesting and intellectually stimulating than they actually are.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

7 incredible things that happen if you learn to love being alone

7 incredible things that happen if you learn to love being alone7 incredible things that happen if you learn to love being aloneWe live in a world of constant contact - a place thats losing sight of the importance of being alone. Offices are abandoning cubicles in favor of shared desks and wide-open common spaces, and rather than sitting at their desks working independently, school children are placed in groups. It seems that a never-ending ping has become our cultures omnipresent background noise, instantly informing us of every text, tweet, and notification. Even something as mundane as cooking dinner has become worthy of social sharing.One result of all this social connection is that many of us rarely have any time alone. While were told that this connectivity is a good thing and that being around other people is necessary for a fulfilled life, you can certainly have too much of a good thing.All mens misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone. Jean de la BruyereA study o f 600 computer programmers at 92 companies found that while productivity levels were relatively stable within each company, they varied greatly from one company to the next. The more productive companies had one thing in common they ditched the ultra-hip open office in favor of private workspaces that granted freedom from interruptions. Of the top performers, 62% said they had adequate privacy at work, while only 19% of the worst performers shared that opinion. And, among the low performers, 76% said they were often unnecessarily interrupted.Solitude isnt just a professional plus its also good for your mental and emotional well-being. To get the most out of life, you must learn to enjoy spending time alone. The benefits of solitude are too numerous to catalog, but here are some of the best.You recuperate and recharge.All of us - even the hopeless extroverts among us - need time to recuperate and recharge. Theres nothing like spending time alone to make this happen. The peace, quie t, and mental solitude you experience when youre by yourself are essential to recovering from the stresses of daily living.You can do what you want.As fun as it is to spend time with other people, it inevitably leads to compromise. Youre constantly modifying your ideas to accommodate other peoples desires and opinions. Being alone frees you up to do exactly what you want when you want. You can throw on whatever you feel like wearing, eat what you feel like eating, and work on projects that are meaningful to you.You learn to trust yourself.Freedom is more than doing what you want its the ability to trust your gut and to think clearly, without any pressure or outside influence. Being alone helps you form a clear understanding of who you are, what you know, and whats right for you. It teaches you to trust yourself. When around others, even when you dont realize it, you monitor peoples reactions in order to gauge the appropriateness of your own feelings and actions. When youre alone, it s all on you. You develop your own ideas and opinions, without having them watered down by what anyone else thinks. Once you learn to enjoy being alone, youll discover what youre truly capable of, without the constraints of other peoples thinking.It increases your emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence (EQ) is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.TalentSmarthas tested more than a million people and found that 90% of top performers are high in EQ. Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence, and you cant increase your EQ without it. Since self-awareness requires understanding your emotions and how you react to various people and situations, this necessitates careful self-reflection, and self-reflection happens best when youre alone.It boosts your self-esteem.Enjoying your own company is a huge confidence booster. If youre bored and restless when y oure by yourself, its easy to start thinking thatyoureboring or that you need other people around to enjoy yourself. Learning to enjoy time alone boosts your self-esteem by confirming that you are enough.You appreciate other people more.Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Time alone lets you see people in a whole new light, and it helps you to develop a renewed sense of gratitude for who they are and what they do.You get more done.Its said that more hands make light work, and while that might be true when it comes to raking leaves, its a completely different story with cognitive tasks. Even the effectiveness of brainstorming is more myth than reality. Researchers from Texas AM found that group brainstorming hinders productivity due to cognitive fixation. Cognitive fixation is the tendency for people working in groups to get stuck on other peoples ideas, reducing their ability to come up with anything new, and the bigger the group, the more fixated everyone becomes. Spend ing time alone not only eliminates distractions but also ensures that you dont have trouble with too many cooks.Bringing it all togetherEveryone benefits from solitude. Take the opportunity this week to spend some time alone.This post first appeared on LinkedIn.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to Showcase the Top Executive Soft Skills on Your Resume

How to Showcase the Top Executive Soft Skills on Your Resume How to Showcase the Top Executive Soft Skills on Your Resume As you climb the corporate ladder into senior management and the executive ranks, thehard skillson your resume (like your ability to design, sell, or use Microsoft Excel) lose some of their importance. A greater emphasis is placed on executive soft skills. These abstract instincts and abilities have been developed over the course of a career and are what make you an accountable decision maker and leader.Demonstrating a hard skill like training on your resume or LinkedIn profile is relatively easy. I trained trainees through training methods to accomplish reason for training or post-training results.Its pretty straight forward and easily verified. But if a job listing mentions soft skills like drive, integrity, or passion, how do you communicate that on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or during an interview during your executive job search?I am passionate doesnt cut it.An excerpt from Jobscans soft skills analysis of a C-suite job posting in San Francisco.We identified the fruchtwein coveted executive soft skills by using Jobscan to analyze current executive-level job listings. Here are five of the top executive soft skills and how to showcase them during the recruitment or hiring process.LeadershipvorstellungTrack RecordEntreprenurialneuerungLeadershipIts no surprise that companies demand leadership from their new executive hires. However, being able to effectively lead a group of people is a result of a diverse blend of skills, making it tricky toshow leadership on your resume. To describe a nuanced trait like leadership, be sure to provide examples and context that spotlight your abilities from different angles.Mention and demonstrate the sub-skills most important to leadership inspirational, integrity, problem-solving, communication, et al.Describe the teams you managed. Answer these questions how many people were you in charge of? What we re your teams accomplishments? How did you contribute to or facilitate the teams successes?ExampleLed team of 15+ marketers to integrate global advertising campaigns with local activations. Personally built relationships and improved collaboration with Asia HQ resulting in increased budget investment in the Korean division.Ask yourself what situations benefited the most from your timely leadership? Guiding an organization through a difficult acquisition or finding a way to salvage a doomed project demonstrates leadership.Example Provided change leadership to ensure seamless acquisition of ABC Company by XYZ Company, resulting in 100% employee retention across senior and middle management teams.VisionTheres nothing more demoralizing than a leader who cant clearly articulate why were doing what were doing, wroteJames Kouzes and Barry Posner in The Leadership Challenge.Vision is one of the key traits that separate a successful middle manager from a coveted C-suite executive. The abilit y to establish and communicate a clear vision facilitates innovation, attracts top talent, and cultivates employee loyalty.When you mention your big ideas, initiatives, and accomplishments, demonstrate your vision by including the why andplacing them in context of the bigger picture. This shows that youre not only focused on ticking boxes and beating quotas, youre invested in creating a clear roadmap for your employees and furthering the companys mission.Track RecordYou need your listed work experience to speak for itself when it comes to track record. Your resume and LinkedIn profile shouldnt just be a diary of where and when, but a detailed booking of your greatest professional accomplishments.By packing your resume with measurable results and accomplishments, you can prove your track record of success.EntrepreneurialAn entrepreneurial mindset is mandatory in the startup world but is also a highly valued trait for companies looking to build or shake things up. This soft skill will be easily identified if you have experience leading startups, working in venture capital, or have received formal entrepreneurial training, but its still possible to show it off in other ways if you dont.Think back to any pet projects you nurtured, departments you grew, or calculated risks that paid off big. Even if youve spent your career in stuffy corporate environments, these types of accomplishments will show that you possess an entrepreneurial spirit.Example Assembled members of product and design teams to create ABC Company Labs, a part-time special committee dedicated to innovation, collaboration, and RD.InnovationInnovation will have some crossover with vision and entrepreneurship, but should be a little easier to showcase. Compile the best examples and stories from your past experience in which you changed operating procedure, streamlined processes, consolidated systems, or mined a previously untapped sector of the market. Basically, what change were you responsible for, a nd how did it benefit the company?Example Grew new business revenue 200% over 2 years in Southwest market by employing longer sales cycles to close deals in historically challenging territory.In an interview setting, take it up a notch by doing your research and preparing a couple innovative ideas for the company.A corporate recruiter, hiring manager, or interviewer learns next to nothing if you simply say, Im a proven leader with entrepreneurial vision a track record of innovation. Show, dont tell. Stories and examples will give you a leg up on the competition.Learn how to create a dedicatedsoft skills resume section here.What are the most important soft skills for your resume?Applying for a job? Scan your resume below against the job description to instantly see which soft skills the company values mosts.Youll also receive hard skills, keywords, and an assortment of other checks and tips to perfectly tailor your resume to the job.?Top 50 Soft Skills for Executive Job SeekersLeader shipVisionTrack RecordCollaborateCommunication SkillsCompetitiveEntrepreneurialIntegrityHands-onInnovationConsistentDrivenFlexibleImpactCollaborationCollaborativeJudgmentPassionAccountableDedicatedInfluenceWork EthicCreativeEnergeticEnthusiasticInterpersonal SkillsPassionateProfessionalismProven Track RecordMotivateProactiveExcellent CommunicationuntersttzungOrganizedProblem-solvingStrategic ThinkingCollaborativelyCommunicate EffectivelyFast-pacedAttention To DetailBusiness AcumenCost-effectiveEnthusiasmEntrepreneurial SpiritFinancial PlanningFollow ThroughLeadership ExperienceMotivatedMultitaskProvide Guidance

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Answer Why Did You Leave Your Last Job

How to Answer Why Did You Leave Your Last JobHow to Answer Why Did You Leave Your Last Job21Why did you leave your bebelastungung job?After all, asking about your last job gives your interviewer insight into you as an employee- and more importantly- as a person. So be sure to ace your interview by answering the question factually- and professionally. Heres how to answer why did you leave your last job?Be positive. Have you ever heard the phrase, You can disagree without being disagreeable? When speaking about your previous position, youll need to focus on as many positive aspects as possible. Naturally, most job seekers are looking for a new job because something was amiss at their previous position. But its not up to you to disclose anything negative. If you do, the only thing that will look negative is you. When you are asked, Why did you leave your last jobs?, make sure to remain positive.Be honest. Its crucial to be honest during difficult job interview questions. After all, you cant paint your previous position to be something that it wasnt. So instead of badmouthing your former boss, colleagues, or the company as a whole, be honest and say that the job wasnt the right fit for you anymore. Be prepared, though You might be pressured to divulge more information. If you have to spill the beans, be sure to stay unemotional, calm, and even-toned in your responses. Try to take the spotlight off of the negative and focus on what youre hoping to be involved with in your potential new role.Be cautious. As tempting as it might be to bash your old boss, you should never speak negatively about him or her. For starters, you never know how they might be connected to the person interviewing you. More importantly, being negative in a job interview is always a red flag for interviewers. They want to know that youre not bringing any grudges, bad feelings, or negativity with you to your new job, so show them that youre a positive, forward-thinking person.Be factual. Unless y ou loved your last job and are happy to talk about it in a positive light, its best to stick to the basic facts. Dont offer up too many details, as you might wind up saying something that youll regret later. When asked, Why did you leave your last job?, you should mention the work you accomplished in your previous position, along with your ultimate plans for the future- as opposed to what you didnt get to do or that your coworkers were catty. By pointing out the facts- and leaving out opinions- youll be sure to give an honest, credible account of your work at your previous job.Discussing why you left your last job can be a prickly topic during an interview. By being calm and factual, you can ensure that youll pass the job interview with flying colors- no matter what is asked of you.Readers, how have you handled the difficult question, Why did you leave your last job? Let us know in the comments section below

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Skills and Abilities on a Resume and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About Skills and Abilities on a Resume and How It Can Affect You The range of skills that could be helpful for a teacher is vast. The manner in which you include your experience for a teaching job needs to be tailored. Everything in your resume ought to be simple to read and simple to comprehend. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Where to Find Skills and Abilities on a Resume There are some general guidelines for showcasing your experience and techniques on just a couple of pages of text. Each one takes a different strategy and what works for one wont do the job for one more. Most folks look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, theres no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. As soon as you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend wo rk interview to talk about further whether youll be suitable. Your job (while youre attempting to find a job) is to make certain you fit what theyre searching for. You need a genuine opportunity and teacher job in order to satisfy your ambitions. The challenge of being a true student trying to find a job tends to be a deficiency of earlier job experience. What follows is an extensive selection of professional resume samples for jobs in a variety of industries. On the flip side, the moment the work applicant has strong experience, there is bedrngnis any need to trust the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. You also ought to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requirements of the job which youre applying for. The job, the market, and the institution proved not the correct fit for me. Youre going to compose a resume summary which gets far more interviews. Possessing a crystal clear and professional resume is vital in the medical field. Before you answer that, find out more about the organization youre targeting and determine how it may help you achieve your career targets. Your teacher resume needs to concentrate on demonstrating that youre the ideal teacher for this role, not necessarily that youre a wonderful teacher generally speaking. Learn what you have to acquire startedand how to develop the absolute best resume Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four essential skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. The 5-Minute Rule for Skills and Abilities on a Resume A basic resume template is the simplest version or kind of a resume template that may be employed to produce resumes for any work position. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that gives you a summary of your very best work. The template is given w ith all the basic headings and includes a pre-formatted structure too. When you have expertise with a particular sort of software, for instance, include it in the experience section. Include an objective whenever youre pursuing a particular job goal and when you know the specific title of the position youre applying for. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Well, regardless of what stage youre in your career, youre likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will demonstrate how For someone in the building and labor field, obtaining an abundance of skills and experience is crucial. In spite of no experience, you still ought to show experience. Mention youv e got experience with it. You dont require experience to get achievements. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. Ladders best resume templates are sure to offer you an advantage in your job search. Superior resumes show instead of tell. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our absolutely free downloadable templates. Job seekers today must make an application program thats as well thought out as a good lesson program. Everyone knows that when browsing for work, the very first task youll need to complete for an expected employer is, Send a copy of your resume. You should invest time into each application and be certain that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job that youre applying to. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. Speaking of unique, the most important aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Based on the geschftsleben or position youre applying for, it may require that you bring some personality. For that reason, it goes without saying that in the event that you get work at Oracle, youre going to be working with the smartest people and most innovative technologies on the planet. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. The sales and marketing business is one predicated on your capacity to sell goods or services to the general public. Accounting and finance managers are going to want to see your technical understanding. Hiring managers want to be aware of if you will need to relocate. Managers and executives should center on business skills in addition to technical expertise even should they fall into a technical industry.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Whatever They Told You About Resume Special Skills Grant Writing Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About Resume Special Skills Grant Writing Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why The Fundamentals of Resume Special Skills Grant Writing Revealed Most employers wish to find a resume too. List only jobs or volunteer experience youve had that relate to the grant youre applying for. Write a summary statement of your grant writing expertise, and include the particular dollar value of a number of the larger grants your current or previous employers have received on account of your work. Always be watching for the chance that your distinctive expertise might be relevant, because the customer may not think to ask. Some projects need other kinds of software, like spreadsheets or video editing. Thus when writing down your job skills take some time to strategize and find out the ideal approach to organize them in your resume. Written language skills are an essential part of many positions in nearly every business. The New Angle On Resume Special Skills Grant Writing Ju st Released Your resume should find that response. Hiring managers appreciate the usage of bullet points since it makes it much easier to read through your list of qualifications. The Hiring Manager is going to be motivated to read the entire resume as a way to come across extra info to substantiate her claims within her objective. If youre eager to learn a new skill, do it Never include a unique skill you dont really need to use. Some skills might be relevant while others arent. Job-specific skills vary depending on the position. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which it is possible to learn. 3 First, you must select the best skills for your resume. Again, check with the work deutsche post ag which might have indicated the preferred soft skills. Dont forget, the majority of the special skills that you set on your resume needs to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transferable skills. Others can be obtained through experience learning at work. Therefore, it is sometimes a competitive job to apply for. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the possible employer if you were offered the work at this time. Looking for work or transitioning to a greater position is quite challenging.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Top Should I Include Address on Resume Secrets

Top Should I Include Address on Resume Secrets Where to Find Should I Include Address on Resume Hopefully, the ideas above will help you know how to deal with a titelseite letter. It Be sure to use your professional schmelzglas address for all professional correspondence. Read below for tips about what to have in your contact section and where to place your contact section. Below are a few of her suggestions. There are a couple general guidelines for showcasing your experience and abilities on just a couple of pages of text. Read our post on how best to compose a resume if youve got zero work description here. Below youll discover a sample reference list. Depending on the sort of illness, you are going to want to contemplate how youll address it both on your resume and during an interview. Ensure that youre utilizing an accurate email address. So that you dont have to say References on request. Dont include as much information it looks sloppy. Make certain you check your em ail regularly. Whatever They Told You About Should I Include Address on Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why If youve worked for just 1 employer in the last ten years or more, show your recent promotions. As you are competing with job seekers whove been on steady career tracks, do whats essential to compete successfully. Anywhere you are able to attach a number to your abilities and accomplishments will allow you to stick out from the crowd. So list such experience only supposing its highly regarding the job which youre seeking.Employers may also search for you on other social networking tools, like Facebook, Twitter and blogs. If youre a work seeker, employers know that youre able to produce references. Some employers utilize profile systems to move you get through the hiring process. Also let prospective employers know that youre offered for in-person interviews if required. Rumors, Deception and Should I Include Address on Resume Also, its a CV not an affidavit. Nearly all resumes also incorporate a concise work history section. Understand that and make certain your correspondence is crisp, well-written and simple to read. The 5-Minute Rule for Should I Include Address on Resume You dont need to mix your present job emails with your work search emails. Therefore, taking the opportunity to thoroughly craft a new version for each job youre applying to is usually encouraged. If youre asking for a neighborhood job, dont hesitate to include your address on your resume. If youre asking for work in an unfamiliar geography, you may want to ask a neighborhood friend (or friend of friend) to observe a sample resume. Look to see whether the work post is related to a particular individual and, if thats the case, address your cover letter greeting to her or him. Its possible to also place a matching tagline on top of your resume and cover letter, to showcase the topic of your application. It is possible to then describe your other skills within the n ext few lines, taking note to use the precise same terms or phrases utilised in the work ad. Resume writing is an important step in your search for this job you would like. Knowing the format by which the business assigns email addresses, alongside the hiring managers anthroponym will provide you with a brilliant idea about what the email address is inclined to be. In the event the name is easy to get and you dont utilize it, the hirer will believe that youve rushed and havent taken the opportunity to acquire the cover letter greeting right. So long as youve got the name of the hiring manager and the name of the business, you will be capable of making an educated guess. Many times you wont know the name of the individual to whom your letter will go, or it could be multiple folks. Overloading your resume with information that isnt really associated with your abilities or job-related talents is rarely a great concept, as it can create the employer or job recruiter to eliminate int erest and continue on to the next candidate. You merely put in the persons name and company and the application will respond with a gigantic set of feasible email addresses. Depending at work, it may also be worthwhile to list particular skills like typing speed, phone communication, or public speaking experience. Possessing a dedicated email wont only help safeguard your privacy, but in addition will help organize your job search by providing you a central repository for company and recruiter contacts.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Negotiate Salary and Benefits

How to Negotiate Salary and BenefitsHow to Negotiate Salary and Benefits3The chance to negotiate salary and benefits is one of the final steps of a successful job search. But just because it comes late in the process doesnt mean you should save thinking about it for the last minute.According to an article in Forbes, women often take the first offer theyre given rather than try to negotiate for what theyre worth- to the detriment of their career climb and future earning potential.Yet while negotiating your salary and benefits takes some time and research, it doesnt have to feel intimidating. If you follow a few smart strategies, youll be ahead of the game.Here are three tips to negotiate salary and benefits.Check the going rates.In order to know how much you should get paid for a job, you need to research the standard salary band for that particular position in your industry. Online websites can help you with this, like,, and Industry trade assoc iations may also have useful resources that you can use to understand both salary and benefits packages.If youre working with a recruiting agency, they can help you with negotiations as well. Contacting a headhunter accomplishes two things, says Katie Donovan, founder of Equal Pay Negotiations, LLC. First, you have another perspective on the market value of the job, and second, you create another option to getting paid well than just the salary negotiation.Consider the whole package.Sometimes job candidates get stuck on the idea of wanting to hit a certain number with their salary. But while salary is a major component of your compensation, remember that your total employment package may include several other factors as well.Even if a hiring manager wont budge on salary, you can often sweeten the deal in your favor by successfully negotiating benefits like more vacation time, a flexible schedule, or other perks. GoodCalls salary negotiation guide offers a list of the benefits and pe rks you might want to consider, along with other helpful info.Donovan notes that flex schedules are one of the areas that may be most open for discussion with many employers. For example, if you cant negotiate the salary you want, perhaps you can work from home one day a week.Dont jump too soon.In the excitement of receiving a job offer, some candidates may rush the negotiation process, eager to close the deal. However, Tory Johnson of Women for Hire recommends that you avoid being the first one to state an exact salary figure.Johnson states If possible, try to get the employer to disclose the pay for the job before you tell your requirements. If you find this too difficult or awkward, consider providing a broad range (based on the research you did above) and say you expect a fair total pay package for the job and my unique set of skills, including. It is also fair to ask the employer what the market data says the job is worth.By preparing yourself in advance to negotiate your salar y and benefits, you can steer your career in the right direction and get the compensation you deserveReaders, do you negotiate salary and benefits or hold back? Leave a comment and tell us

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diversity in Global Educational Exchange

Diversity in Global Educational Exchange Diversity in Global Educational Exchange Most colleges and universities today recognize the value of diversity, both in the academic environment and also as it carries over to the workplace. Academic diversity programs are geared towards incorporating varying intellectual, ethnic, cultural, and social elements to the student environment, encouraging different voices, thoughts, ideas, and opinions while keeping students and teachers connected to the real world. Many initiatives have expanded geographically to include international student exchanges, providing students with a global view of diversity and an enriching cultural experience abroad.However, even with behauptung initiatives to encourage participation in international programs, the opportunity is still out of reach for some minority students. A study conducted by the Institute of zwischenstaatlich Education (IIE), entitled Increasing Diversity in International Careers Economic Challeng es and Solutions, found Although an unprecedented 3.7 million students around the world currently cross international borders to obtain a higher education and an international experience, participation by American minority students in international education opportunities and in international careers has bedrngnis witnessed a similar growth.Andrew Gordon, founder of Diversity Abroad, an organization that connects diverse students and young professionals with meaningful international opportunities, agrees with the IIE study. Ethnic and minority students and those with high financial needs arent participating in international programs in proportionate numbers, says Gordon. All students should have an opportunity to participate in education abroad programs, so the playing field will be more level upon graduation.There are programs dedicated to helping minority students participate in international educational programs.International InitiativesThere are several national organizations, as well as specific programs in colleges and universities, dedicated to helping minority students participate in International educational programs.Gordon founded Diversity Abroad and the Diversity Abroad Network in 2006 to ensure that students from diverse economic, educational, ethnic and social backgrounds are aware, have equal access and take advantage of the benefits and opportunities afforded through global education exchanges.Students who study abroad gain academic, career, and personal benefits, says Gordon. Students learn skills that cant be taught in a classroom. They are thrust into an environment where they are different, the language is different, and the way people view them are different and they must learn to adapt to these challenges. Addressing these challenges helps students mature as individuals and derive a great deal of self-confidence, two traits that are very important to potential employers.The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Global Initiatives (DEGI) at th e Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) sees diversity and global knowledge as essential elements of any effort to foster civic engagement among todays college students. To support those goals, the office helps colleges and universities to establish diversity as a comprehensive institutional commitment and educational priority.Building ConnectionsThe IIE has made it a priority to expand opportunities for diverse American students and undergraduates in financial need to study abroad. The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by IIE, has awarded more than 10,000 scholarships since its inception in 2001. The Gilman Program seeks to diversify the types of students that study abroad and the regions where they go. The program aims to reach students with high financial need, students studying in non-traditional countries, those from diverse ethnic backgrounds, first-generation college students, stude nts from underrepresented institutions, students majoring in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) fields, and students with disabilities.Over 2,300 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year for U.S. citizen undergraduates to study abroad. Award amounts will vary depending on the length of study and student need with the average award being approximately $4,000.According to IIE President Allan Goodman, International education is one of the best tools for developing mutual understanding and building connections between people from different countries. It is critical to the success of American diplomacy and business, and the lasting ties that Americans make during their international studies are important to our country in times of conflict as well as times of peace.Tom Ricci is the owner of Ricci Communications.Ethnic and minority students and those with high financial needs arent participating in international programs in proportionate number s.Andrew Gordon, founder of Diversity Abroad

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Encourage Employee Attendance at Work

How to Encourage Employee Attendance at Work How to Encourage Employee Attendance at Work Attendance is critical in many customer-facing jobs. Poor attendance saps the morale of employees, costs employers overtime expenses and reduces employee engagement. Poor attendance takes supervisory time and attention and often results in disciplinary action. You can manage employee attendance to reduce attendance problems. You do need to take it on as an important component of any management or supervisory job. Heres how to manage and encourage attendance. Use these five steps to encourage employee attendance at work. Steps to Encourage Employee Attendance First, you must have a way to track the time people take off from work so that the integrity of your Paid Time Off (PTO) policy, your sick leave policy, and/or your paid vacation policy is ensured. This also ensures that the time-off-rules are the same for every employee which is important for the sense of workplace fairness and justice. When employees are managed across departments, you need to ensure that what John experiences in the warehouse is the same policy that Mary experiences in the office. Employees notice when employees are treated differently and this disparate treatment creates problems with motivation and engagement. This is especially important to manage unscheduled absences for which many workplaces have trouble with work coverage. Encouraging employee attendance is important for any customer-facing workstation. Attendance is also critical when one employees work is dependent on the work of the prior employee in jobs such as manufacturing or assembling products. Teachers, customer support specialists, technical support providers, health care professionals, and other direct service employees are examples of employees who have workstations that employees must staff on a daily basis. Otherwise, employers are at a loss to schedule and find staff replacements to do their work. This attendance includes timely arrival at their workstation as well. For example, if a nurse is late for work in the intensive care unit, the nurse from the prior shift cannot leave to go home for a well-deserved rest. If an employee is expected to staff a middle station on an assembly line, either one employee has to work at two stations which is inconvenient and can even endanger the employee or the employer has to find a replacement. You Must Commit to Managing Absenteeism Second, and probably most importantly, you need to manage absenteeism and encourage employee attendance. This means that the employee needs to call in directly to the supervisor who is trained to manage absenteeism. This starts with the personal call and the supervisor telling the employee that he or she will be missed and describing the impact of their absence on the workplace. Each absence ends with the supervisor personally welcoming the employee back to work, encouraging employee attendance in the future, and once again, emphasizing the impact of the employees absence on the workplace and their coworkers. You are not holding this conversation in a blaming tone of voice- after all, many employee absences are legitimate and necessary- you are genuinely welcoming the employee back to work and reinforcing the impact of unscheduled absence. Your conversation should, once again, describe the impact that the absence had on the employees and the workplace. Enable Workplace Flexibility Whenever Possible Third, if possible, allow flexibility with schedules in your workplace so that an employee with an early doctors appointment or a sick child, as examples, can work later or come earlier to make up the time. Women, unfortunately, according to the U.S. Department of Labor figures, experience more attendance problems related to family matters. Especially single moms, who have no safety net of family or a partner to help with child-care related issues, struggle with attendance, in my experience. So, this workplace flexibility might also include the ability to share jobs, schedule flexible days or hours, and work from home, or telecommute, under guidelines. Some think that compensatory or comp time encourages a clock-watching attitude. This may not be in keeping with the mindset of accomplishing the whole job and goals that you look for in an exempt or salaried employee. But, exempt jobs are also the jobs that will most frequently allow flexibility for the employee and the employer. Rewards and Recognition for Employees Fourth, rewards and recognition for positive employee attendance can make a difference. While you dont want people feeling as if their employer must pay them extra for doing their job, you do want them to know that you appreciate and respect their positive attendance. In some cases, especially with non-exempt employees, and to reduce unscheduled absences, you may want to build actual monetary rewards into your employee attendance policy. These policies emphasize rewarding attendance over a certain number of days. You do, with the employee recognition portion of your attendance policy, want to emphasize the days of attendance, not the act of lowering absences. Too many attendance policies focus on the punishment side of the equation. More emphasis on rewards for positive attendance might give you more bang for your bucks. Nevertheless, a successful, motivational attendance policy must focus on both. Provide Consequences Finally, as with any employment responsibility, an employee must experience consequences if the employee is failing in his or her work attendance. To whom are the consequences the most important? To all of the employees who have good attendance, work hard, and find their personal morale and motivation affected by people who have poor attendance.  Progressive discipline is critical, starting with coaching and feedback, and performing the steps in attendance management listed above. Your attending employees will thank you.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to stay calm the next time you fly after Southwest Airlines

How to stay calm the next time you fly after Southwest Airlines How to stay calm the next time you fly after Southwest Airlines The recent news of the Southwest Airlines flight that was forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday may make even the calmest flier a bit anxious for their next flight. As someone who is already a walking ball of stress every time she boards a plane, the thought of boarding one in the next few weeks is terrifying. However, not flying isn’t really a choice for many of us. In 2016, U.S. travelers took 458.9 million domestic  business trips and this is expected to reach  478.2 million by 2020. But there are certain things you can do to calm your nerves (even if it is only slightly) that you may want to keep in mind for your next trip.Equip yourself with factsYes, the Southwest Airlines news was terrifying and the photos made it all the more real. But these events are extremely rare. Read up before the flight (or even during) on how flying is the safest mode of transportation. Remember you only have a  1 in 9,821 chance of dying  from an air and space transport inc ident making flying one of the safest forms of transportation.  SOAR is a useful app for this that was designed by a  pilot  and focuses on explaining everything about your plane and that happens while you fly.Make an entertainment packRemember when you were a kid going on a long road trip and your mom packed you with all your coloring books and comic books? Well, you need to do that now for your grownup self. Look at the flight as a time to completely check out of the real world and just distract yourself. Be sure to download some books and TV shows or a calming playlist. If you need to work on the flight make sure there is a Wifi option.MeditateAshley Nelson is a travel and health and wellness expert and the founder of On the 10. She told Ladders that meditation always helps her stay calm. “For me I think it’s important to remember to breath and that there is someone else handling the situation so I try to meditate and put myself in a place where I can stay calm and do breathi ng exercises.”Sit in the frontWe know there is now going to be a massive battle to sit in an aisle seat every time you fly but if you are a bad flier also try to sit in the front of the plane. If turbulence makes you anxious, as it does for many panicked fliers, sitting up front can help tremendously as turbulence has less of an impact. Also keep your eye on the flight attendants as they never look upset during turbulence and continue to do their jobs. It’s just like going over a bump or pothole when you are driving.  SkyGuru is a useful app that  offers weather forecasts and turbulence forecasts for your flying route.Stay hydratedAccording to  WebMD, the humidity level  on airplanes is  close to  half the amount of  normal levels, making it easy for any frequent flyer to get sick and dehydrated which can contribute to a panicked feeling. Drinking water (though alcohol may seem like a natural option for soothing reasons) and staying away from salty food is a good start but you c an also try using towlettes to keep your face moist.If you are looking to try to sleep on the flight without a prescription from a doctor something like  Beauty zzZz by  HUM Nutrition helps you sleep and also replenishes you with  vitamins. If you are sick of water opt for something like the Beyonce-approved  WTRMLN WTR which has an extra boost of hydration, electrolytes, and vitamins.Drown out the noiseSometimes weird plane noise alone can send an anxious flier down the rabbit hole of complete panic. This is the time to invest in noise canceling ear phones. Forbes ranks these as the best.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to Work From Home Without Working All the Time - The Muse

How to Work From Home Without Working All the Time - The Muse How to Work From Home Without Working All the Time Working from home can be amazing (can you say “zero commute?”). But when your home is also your office, separating your work life and your personal life can be a challenge. And without that separation, it can be easy for work to start spreading throughout your home and invading the rest of your life, making it hard to disengage and spend time on other things that really matter (like your family, friends, hobbies, and life). I speak from experience. I’ve been working from home for almost four years, and while I wouldn’t change it for the world, finding the balance between getting work done and devoting a healthy amount of time and energy to my personal life has been tough. In the battle between work and home life, there have been many, many times when work has emerged victorious. But I’ve put in a lot of effort to find a better work-at-home/live-at-home balance, and today I’m happy to report that while separating the two things can still be challenging, it’s certainly not impossible! (You can jump right to the tips here.) Why Separating Your Work Life and Home Life Is So Important First things first- before we talk about how to keep your work life from infringing on your personal life when you work from home, let’s talk about why, exactly, that’s so important. It Helps You Avoid Burnout “People can’t work 24/7. They need to have other things going on in their life,” says Kim Perkins, organizational psychologist and Chief Behavioral Scientist at work and culture consulting firm NOBL. According to Perkins, that always-working attitude can cause a variety of negative outcomes, including sleep issues, relationship problems, and burnout. Taking time away from work can give your mind and body the time you need to rest, recover, and give the other areas of your life (like your sleep) the attention they deserve- and when you get back to work, you’ll have renewed energy to get things done. It Lets You Unwind Your home is supposed to be a place to relax- but for people who work from home, that can be a challenge. “We have evolved to pay close attention to surroundings that we’re in- and that gives us cues about how we’re supposed to act,” says Perkins. So if everywhere and everything in your house reminds you of work, you’re going to feel like you need to work all the time and you’re not going to be able to get the rest and relaxation you need to feel your best. For example, working in bed might feel comfortable, but if you start to associate your bed with your work, it will be harder for your brain to relax and go to sleep when it’s time for lights out. Creating a clear sense of separation between work life and home life, both physically and psychologically, can make it easier for you to shut down and relax at the end of the work day. It’s Good for the People in Your Life If you’re unattached or live alone, the person who’s going to be impacted most by your work-life balance is you. If you have a family, things get a little more complicated. You need to be able to shut off and give the people closest to you the time and attention they deserve; otherwise, your work can have a seriously negative impact on your relationships. “A lot of people who work from home...are constantly checking their phone [and working],” says Perkins. “That’s going to make the partner [and family] feel a lot less listened to and a lot less valued.” Tips to Keep Your Work From Messing With Your Personal Life Clearly, keeping your work life from infringing on your personal life is a must if you want to feel happy, healthy, and balanced. But how, exactly, do you do that? Here are a few tips from people who’ve made it work. 1. Work Parallel Schedules When you work from home- and do so around the clock- it can feel like you and your family are ships passing in the night. The best way to combat that? Keeping similar schedules. “I work on my business while my husband is at work. That gives me 10 hours to do my thing,” says Anna Kat Napier, founder of Boss Girl Launch Pad. “I need to be able to stop my work when he gets home so that we can catch up with each other and spend dinnertime together.” If you live with a partner or children, it’s important to spend some dedicated time with them rather than always splitting your attention between family and work obligations. Scheduling parallel hours (for example, cranking out work while your kids are at school or during the same hours your spouse or significant other is at their job) will allow you to get things done but still have time to connect with your family members when they get home. “That kind of alignment shows your spouse [or family members] that you care about them,” says Perkins, and are making it a priority to have time together without distractions. Just keep in mind that working parallel schedules only works if you focus on work when it’s work time and are ready and willing to shut down when it’s over. 2. Set a Firm Stopping Point It can be easy to lose track of time when you’re working from home. And when you finally take a breather and look at the clock, somehow hours have passed- and you’ve worked far longer than you intended. It’s so easy to tell yourself “just five more minutes” or “just one more email.” But working crazy hours can throw your body out of whack. “Your body is used to operating on a schedule,” says Perkins. “Kids get up at the same time, they go to school at the same time, and this builds these rhythms and habits- and it’s very easy to know what you’re supposed to be doing and when you’re supposed to be doing it,” she adds. “Even as adults, we need that for a sense of consistency- because otherwise it just takes too long to figure out where we are and what we’re supposed to be doing.” Setting a firm stopping point every day- and sticking to it- can help you keep your work in check (and keep it from infringing on the things you want and need to get done after work). Katharine Bolin, owner and digital marketing director at Sweet Reach Media, has set a firm stopping point for herself at 5 PM. If she feels tempted to work into the evening hours, she reminds herself that her personal life actually benefits her job in the long run. “I need to have a life outside of work, because that’s where inspiration comes from, and that’s what will ultimately keep me doing good work in my work life.” 3. Have a Trigger to End the Work Day (and Start Personal Time) Triggers (or cues) can be a powerful way to form new habits. Having a routine that you do every day when you finish work will send a signal to your body and brain that work is officially over- and it’s time to move on and enjoy your personal time. “At the end of the day, I make a to-do list for tomorrow before shutting down my computer and walking downstairs,” says Megan Winkler, the owner of Limelight Visibility Marketing. “For me, it’s the virtual equivalent to the separation that a commute home gives.” What you do as a routine to trigger the end of work time and start of personal time is up to you. My end-of-day routine is to take my dog for a walk around our neighborhood, but you can do a five-minute meditation, clean up your office, or, like Winkler, organize your tasks into a to-do list for the following day. What you do is less important than doing it every day. The routine “establishes a habit that ‘after I do this, I’m going to relax.’ And so it creates some separation between your work self and your personal self,” says Perkins. “And you need this in order to, again, fully relax [and] get your mind on other things.” 4. Shut the Office Door Ever heard the saying “out of sight, out of mind?” Well, that also applies to your work space. “[One] of the tricks I use to separate my personal from professional life while I work from home is to shut my office door during weekends,” says Angela Zade, digital marketing manager for travel software company Trondent Development Corp. It’s her way of telling herself: “The Office Is Closed!” If you use a dedicated room as your home office, step away at the end of the day and leave all your work gear, like your laptop and work phone, behind. In other words, literally and figuratively shut the door on work so that you can pursue personal projects, family time, or just good, old-fashioned relaxing without feeling the pull of the office. If you don’t have an enclosed workspace, no worries! You can create some physical separation with a screen or a well-placed bookshelf. And if that’s not an option either, just cleaning up your ongoing work can help you avoid the pull of your desk. According to Perkins, many people leave their work out in plain sight, making it harder to disconnect. Clearing off your desk and putting your work out of view (for example, putting your laptop and any loose papers in a desk drawer) can help you create a visual and psychological sense of separation- even if you can’t physically close off your workspace from the rest of your home. 5. Schedule Screen-Free Time One of my biggest challenges in creating separation between my work and home life is the constant screen time. If I’m on (or even near!) my laptop, tablet, or phone, I have to fight the urge to check my email- even if I’m supposed to be off duty and enjoying down time. This bad habit can be particularly annoying for my husband; no one wants to have a one-sided conversation with their partner while they mindlessly scroll through their Gmail app. That’s why we’ve made screen-free time a non-negotiable in my house. Having a set time when phones, laptops, tablets, and TV screens are a no-go allows me to fully disconnect from my work and digital life- and fully engage with my real life. When my husband gets home from the office, we both make sure to put our phones away and enjoy some screen-free time to catch up on each other’s days. We also try to schedule at least a few “screen-free Saturdays” a month and I even tried the distraction-free iPhone to stem the temptation to spend too much time staring at a screen. When you work from home, it’s so easy to be tuned into work 24/7. But remember, your home is your home first- and your office second. And if you want to have the work-life balance you crave (and deserve!), you need to treat it that way.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tips For Beating the Age-Discrimination Filter

Tips For Beating the 'Age-Discrimination Filter' Tips For Beating the 'Age-Discrimination Filter' Age discrimination is an issue â€" but you can prevail by not making it a bigger one.Pete Kresky can’t really say he’s experienced blatant age discrimination, but the 70-year-old marketing executive and job seeker said he suspects it’s there.“I’ve never personally been confronted with my age, but I know they figure it out, and they just don’t call.”The AARP said it regularly tests companies and has seen it in action when companies tend to prefer to call younger candidates than those aged 50 and older, even when all other factors are equal.So how do you get through the filter that seems to screen out older job candidates?The best way to keep age from being a factor in your job search is not to make it an issue early, said Dan Kohrman, a senior attorney at AARP who oversees age-discrimination cases. “What we say is, ‘Don’t invite consideration of your age’ because it’s going to happen in the ordinary course in many instances anyway.”Age and your resumeOne way to keep from getting screened out early is by tuning your resume, Kohrman said. Eliminate the year from any degrees and early jobs and focus on more recent experience.Don’t be deceptive or dishonest, but “don’t offer very old experience on your resume, even if it’s impressive,” Kohrman said. “At some point, the very length of your resume may count against you.”You may want to narrow the scope of your resume down to show specific expertise and focus on jobs that match what makes you unique.“It wasn’t until toward the end of the process that I started to recognize the value of my uniqueness and started ignoring the other things that were out there,” said Chuck Jordan, a job seeker who had retired from his job as a technology salesman but decided to re-enter the workforce just six months later. He started focusing on jobs that played to his strengths as an expert in selling to the federal government and landed a position soon after.Age and the interviewEven with a f ocused resume that plays down dates, you can’t hide your age at the interview, and there’s nothing that precludes a potential employer from asking your age. “If an employer is really digging into those age issues,” Kohrman said, “try some gentle way of fending off that line of questioning.“Give something from your background that demonstrates that (you) have attributes consistent with vigor and energy and creativity and initiative and insight - all those things that some employers think only younger workers have - that counters the stereotypes.”

Friday, November 15, 2019

4 Tips to Spring into Your Fall Job Search

4 Tips to Spring into Your Fall Job Search 4 Tips to Spring into Your Fall Job Search Remember the feeling of excitement that went along with returning to school in the fall? Whether you vowed this would be the year you’d make the basketball team, were excited by finally getting the most popular teacher in school, or simply relished the possibilities inherent in a fresh box of crayons, hope sprang eternal. The same enthusiasm can be applied to your fall job search and keep you productive! Such optimism needn’t be just for the young. Fall is a great time to find your perfect job. Hiring managers who were hard to reach during peak summer vacation periods tend to be back in the office after Labor Day, and many are eager to fill spots before the winter holiday season. So shake off the dog days of summer and try the following tips to energize an autumn job hunt! Here are four tips for your fall job search success! Assess Just as an instructor spends time figuring out where students stand, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your job search sets the foundation for progress. Perhaps you have a killer resume but a lackluster LinkedIn profile. Maybe you’ve been diligent about looking at job boards but have fallen behind on that list of interesting companies to research. Honest appraisal will provide guidance on how to proceed. Schedule The rhythm of a week often changes seasonally, so take a look at where your schedule currently stands. Kids returning to school can open up new pockets of time during the day, but evenings may now prove hectic with sports practices and homework. Create a calendar that merges both personal and professional obligations. Blocking out specific times for job-hunting activities will help you stay productive and focused. Network Before throwing away the invitation to your alma mater’s Homecoming festivities, remember that many jobs get filled before they are advertised. Working on personal connections is one of the most effective ways to improve a job hunt. “Host, entertain, and network more than you do any other season,” says Lizandra Vega, author of The Image of Success and blogger at The Career Confidante. “Think about it. The weather is perfect to ask someone to  Ã¢€˜break bread’- a morning coffee, afternoon lunch, or tea. Make new connections and cultivate existing ones.  Even if it does not generate a direct lead toward finding a job, it could be just the seed you want to plant to reap the rewards in the not-so-distant future.” Refresh Lastly, infuse your hunt with some freshness. Tinker with your elevator pitch until you feel excited about delivering it. Give a job fair or a different social media platform a try. Change your profile picture. Find a font that better reflects your personal brand. Even something as seemingly simple as a change to your interview outfit can do wonders. Vega suggests investing in one signature piece (tie, scarf, jewelry, handbag, etc.) in a color that energizes you. “This will not only have you stand out from your competition, but you will stand out from your usual self. Oftentimes, a hint of bold color within monochromatic neutrals can give you the pop of vitality you need in this tedious journey we call job searching.” Readers, are you excited about your fall job search? What tactics do you use to stay productive and successful? Share with us below!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Great Survival Jobs for Aspiring Fashion Models

Great Survival Jobs for Aspiring Fashion Models Great Survival Jobs for Aspiring Fashion Models Deciding to become a model is one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do. But, getting started also means being able to pay your bills while pursuing your career, and that’s often easier said than done. For one, modeling schedules can be unpredictable. The hours are strange, the locations are always changing, and you have to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. You also won’t see a paycheck right away. It can take 60 to 90 days to get paid for a job, or even longer if you don’t have a modeling agency looking after your best interests. And, it takes time to build up your reputation and land high-paying jobs. It’s unusual for a model to earn tons of cash early in their career, so you have to be smart and resourceful until you make a name for yourself. And for many models, that means one thing: A second job. Most models have a part-time job, or even a full-time day job to help with the cash flow. The trick is finding one that doesn’t get in the way of your modeling aspirations! Substitute Teacher Aaron Marcus, a professional commercial model and coach with decades of industry experience, said in his blog that one of the best survival jobs for models is being a substitute teacher. It’s a part-time gig that allows you to pick and choose when you want to work. And, it pays pretty well. If you can get enough of these teaching jobs, you’ll have no problem paying your bills while still having time to model on the side.   Every state is a little different in terms of educational requirements- some require you to have a college diploma, while some don’t- so be sure to check your local school system for more details. Makeup Artist If you’re particularly talented and passionate about the makeup side of the modeling industry, then you might want to explore the option of becoming a part-time makeup artist. This job gives you the flexibility to choose when you work, where you work, and who you work with, but the real perk is that you still get to work within the modeling industry. You’ll be gaining valuable experience and contacts while earning enough money to follow your true passion!   Fitness Instructor Yoga, Zumba, coaching, running, swimming, personal training- whatever your exercise of choice, why not get paid for it? It’s a fun and flexible way to earn money and keep fit, and you’ll meet all sorts of interesting people. Who knows, it could even lead to some fitness modeling opportunities! Temping Are you great with computers and a fast typer? Then you’ll have no problem landing a job with a temp agency. Most temp jobs are low-stress office jobs that allow you to book out for auditions, go-sees, and bookings (within reason, of course). There are tons of temp agencies in major modeling hubs like New York and Los Angeles, and some of them even specialize in the entertainment industry.   Promotional Worker Companies are always looking for outgoing and attractive event workers, brand ambassadors, and product demonstrators. One day you could be working at a major concert, and the next hosting a cocktail party at a chic hotel. These types of jobs are often advertised online in places like Craigslist, but to ensure you’re working for legitimate companies in safe environments, it’s always best to work with a professional promo company. A great one to check out is Vantage Advertising. Jobs pay well, and you always have the option to accept or decline any job you’re offered.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Finding the Best States for Jobs in 2019

Finding the Best States for Jobs in 2019 Finding the Best States for Jobs in 2019 What states  are best for getting hired? Are you wondering which locations provide the best job opportunities? The answer will vary depending on the occupations and  industries  youre targeting. However, the  average wages  in various locations, trends in  wage growth and stagnation,  levels of unemployment,  and job growth can all  help workers  like  you to identify areas with the most robust economic activity. Average Weekly U.S. Wages The  Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS) produces quarterly reports on the  average  (mean) weekly wages  in various locations. The BLS wage report by state for the third quarter  (Q3) of 2018 indicated a wide range of wages across states. For example, states  with  average weekly wages  on the low end comprised: Mississippi $754, Idaho $805, Arkansas $811, Montana $815, South Dakota $827, South Carolina $834, Maine $851, New Mexico $855, Kentucky $855, Kansas $867, Nebraska $873, Oklahoma $874, Iowa $887, Vermont $892, and West Virginia $894. States  with  average weekly wages  on the high end were: District of Columbia $1,807, Massachusetts $1,305, Washington $1,280, New York $1,272, California $1,260, Connecticut $1,209, New Jersey $1,181, Maryland $1,130, Colorado $1,104, Illinois $1,087, Virginia $1,082, and Minnesota $1,074. Below, you can see a breakdown of the 10 highest and 10 lowest weekly wage averages by state. The national average for wages was $1,055 per week. Read about the  complete list of wages by state. States with the Highest Increases/Decreases in Wages The same report also identifies the states with the greatest year-on-year increase and decrease in wages. States with the greatest increases were:  West Virginia 8.1%, Washington 6.2%, North Dakota 4.4%, New York 4.2%, Minnesota 4.2%, New Mexico 3.9%, Tennessee 3.9%, Oregon 3.8%, California 3.8%, Maine 3.7%, Louisiana 3.7%, Iowa 3.7%, and Alaska 3.7%. States with the lowest wage growth included: Rhode Island -1.3%, South Carolina 0.8%, New Hampshire 1.7%, New Jersey 2.1%, Kentucky 2.2%, Hawaii 2.4%, Delaware 2.4%, Indiana 2.4%, Maryland 2.4%, Nevada 2.4%, and Connecticut 2.5%.   Below, you can see a breakdown of the biggest year-on-year increases and decreases in wages by state. Average weekly wages for the nation as a whole increased by 3.3% for the period  Q3,  2017,  to  Q3,  2018. The  large metro areas/counties  with the highest weekly wages were: Santa Clara, CA $2,460; San Mateo, CA $2,363; San Francisco $2,097; New York, NY $1,997; Washington, D.C. $1807; King, WA $1,752; Suffolk, MA $1,706; Arlington, VA $1,691; Fairfax, VA $1588; Middlesex, MA $1563; and Somerset, NJ $1487. Where the Jobs Are (and Aren’t) by State The  BLS  unemployment figures for March 2019  reveal very significant state-to-state  differences. The states with the lowest unemployment rates were: North Dakota 2.3%, Vermont 2.3%, Iowa 2.4%, New Hampshire 2.4%, Hawaii 2.8%, Nebraska 2.8%, South Dakota 2.8%, Idaho 2.9%,  Virginia 2.9%, Wisconsin 2.9%, Utah 3%, and Massachusetts 3%. The states with the highest unemployment  rates  were: Alaska 6.5%, District of Columbia 5.6%, West Virginia 5.1%, New Mexico 5.1%, Arizona 5%, Mississippi 4.9%, Louisiana 4.7%, Washington 4.6%, Ohio 4.4%, Oregon 4.4%, and Illinois 4.4%.   You can compare the highest and lowest unemployment rates by state in the map below. The national average unemployment rate  stood at 3.9% for March 2019. You can read a complete list of  unemployment by state. Job growth year over year is another way to evaluate how attractive the job market is in a particular area. The following states had the highest job growth on a percentage basis from September 2017 to September 2018:  Florida 4.6%, Utah 3.4%, New Hampshire 3.4%, Idaho 3.0%, South Carolina 2.8%, Arizona 2.8%, Texas 2.6%, Washington 2.4%, Colorado 2.1%, and California 1.8%. The national average job-growth  rate during that period was 1.6%. You can read a complete list of the  job growth in all states. Unemployment by Metro Area Metropolitan areas with the  lowest unemployment include Ames, Iowa 1.5%; Burlington, VT 1.8%; Iowa City, IA 1.9%; Midland, TX 2.1%; Madison, WI 2.4%; Boulder, CO 2.5%; Fayetteville, AR 2.5%; Logan, UT 2.5%; Odessa, TX 2.5%; Fort Collins, CO 2.6%; Manchester, NH 2.6%; Nashville, NH 2.6%; Portsmouth, NH 2.6%; and Sheboygan, WI 2.6%. The  highest unemployment  rates  were recorded in: El Centro, CA 17.8%; Yuma, Arizona 12.1%; Visalia-Porterville, CA 12.1%; Ocean City 11.5%; Merced, CA 11.0%; Hanford-Corcoran, CA10.3%; Salinas,  CA10.1%; Bakersfield, CA 10.1%; Fresno, CA 9.4%; and Yuba City, AZ 9.4%. Large metropolitan areas  with the lowest unemployment rates  were: Nashville-Davidson- Murfreesboro- Franklin, TN 2.6%; Austin-Red Rock, TX 2.7%; Boston-Cambridge-Nashua, MA/NH 2.7%; Denver-Arora-Lakewood, CO 2.9%; Oklahoma City, OK 3.0%; Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL 3.0%; Salt Lake City 3.0%; San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 3.0%; San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA 3.0%;and  San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX 3.1%. Major cities with the highest unemployment rates include: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 4.5%; Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls, NY 4.5%; Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI 4.4%; Cleveland-Elyria, OH 4.4%; Sacramento- Roseville- Arden-Arcade, CA 4.3%; Rochester, NY 4.2%; Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA 4.2%; Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT 4.2%; Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA 4.1%; Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ 4.1%; Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA 4.1%;  and Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI 4.1%. You can also find a complete list of  unemployment by metropolitan area. Determine the Location Quotient When evaluating the best location for jobs for your situation, you also need to take into account the concentration of opportunities in your target field. There are some  cities that have more job opportunities than others,  where economic growth has stalled. There are also locations that have a  higher percentage of jobs that pay well. For example, Hollywood and Toronto have many more opportunities in film and entertainment than most areas. Hartford, CT, is an insurance center. Massachusetts and New Jersey are great areas for pharma and biotechnology. New York City is a center for finance and theater. One technique for assessing the job market in various target locations is to  visit and conduct searches  in your career fields of interest for your preferred locations. Identify the number of jobs in your field as a percentage of the total number of jobs in each location to determine the concentration of relevant  jobs within those locations. The BLS produces a measure of how concentrated various fields are in different locations. You can check out the  occupations with the highest location quotient for various areas here. Calculate the Cost of Living Factoring in the cost of living can enhance your analysis regarding what you can earn in different locations. The  Cost of Living Index  and  Cost of Living Calculator  can help you to determine and  to  compare  the cost of living in different target locations. In addition to adjusting income for the cost of living, you can use a  variety of other calculators  to determine your salary, benefits, and a net paycheck in a new location. Figure Out the Logistics If you’re thinking that  a new location would be worth exploring, you can read  tips for finding a job in a new city  that  will help you to  get started on the road to a new career.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Work from Home How to Find Remote Jobs

Work from Home How to Find Remote Jobs Work from Home How to Find Remote Jobs Whether you want to make the world your office, need to increase availability to family, or simply feel more productive working in pajamas, transitioning to remote work is an alluring career choice for its work-life flexibility. Before you start setting up your new home office, take some time to develop a remote job search strategy. Finding that perfect telecommute position among thousands of traditional in-office postings can be a headache, so here are 4 top tips on how to find remote jobs. Vary Your Search Terms When plugging search queries into your job board of choice, dont limit yourself to just one term. Try searching remote, telecommute, telecommuting, work from home, and even distributed company. On some job boards, a Boolean search might help you search with more efficiency. Boolean searches allow for operators like AND, OR, and NOT that can filter your results on the fly. For example, you might search: customer service AND remote OR telecommute OR work from home This might work better on some boards than others. On Indeed, for example, it seems to work with some limitations. Try it out in your favorite job board to see if helps refine your results. Search for Remote Jobs Listed in Other Cities Many job boards have a remote location setting or filter in search. Check out the jobs categorized in these sections, but dont stop there. Not all remote job listings will be designated as such. Remote location setting on Glassdoor. For one, many applicant tracking systems automate the process of posting job descriptions to various job boards. When using one of these systems, a human resources rep might not think to change the default location setting before the job description gets published across the web. Therefore, a remote job listing might be inadvertently posted in the city in which the company is headquartered. Search for remote keywords in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, or startup hubs like Silicon Valley, Seattle, Portland, Austin et al. In some cases this could also be an intentional move. A company might be comfortable with a telecommuting employee while still preferring (but not necessarily requiring) someone close by. They might envision periodic meetups or simply prefer the logistics of working in the same time zone. In either scenario, be sure to periodically search for remote jobs in cities that are not your own. One unexpected place to find a remote job might be in Oregon. A surprising number of companies seem to accidentally list their telecommute jobs in the rural community aptly named Remote, Oregon, especially on top job site Indeed. If youve exhausted your other resources its worth plugging Remote, OR into the location bar and seeing what comes up. Use Specialized Remote Job Boards and Aggregators You should find plenty of remote opportunities on the top job boards and aggregators like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and Google for Jobs, but there are also several job boards specific to work from home jobs. Here are a few worth checking out: FlexJobs We Work Remotely Working Nomads Remotive Jobspresso Remote Jobs Club Search Outside of Job Boards Get a leg up on your job search competitors by finding job listings before they hit popular job boards. One way to do this is to search social media for listings. For example, search LinkedIn or Twitter content to find companies or users posting about new openings. Real example of a remote position found by searching LinkedIn content. While youre at it, make sure your social media profiles are ready for recruiter review. With Jobscan, you can even optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract recruiters looking for remote workers with your speciality. Target Top Remote-Friendly Employers Its always smart to maintain a list of target companies when job hunting and it can be especially helpful in a remote job search. There are whole companies that rely on a remote workforce and others that are known to be telecommute-friendly. Here are a couple lists to get you started: FlexJobs: Top Companies with Remote Jobs VIPKID Appen Conduent Rev Liveops TTEC Amazon SYKES Dell Working Solutions See full list GitHub Crowdsourced List of Companies with Remote DNA' Random Selections (full list is alphabetized) Aha! Baremetrics Red Hat Student Loan Hero Zapier See full list These tips should reveal a few listings worth applying to. The next step is to perfectly tailor your resume for the job. Learn how Jobscan has helped automate the process in this short video:

Monday, November 11, 2019

Things You Wont Like About Baker Resume and Things You Will

Things You Won't Like About Baker Resume and Things You Will Baker Resume and Baker Resume - The Perfect Combination The odds of being rejected by employers are high once you've got an unprofessional resume. The ideal thing which you should do is submit a run-of-the-mill application. The simple truth is, love addicts are in fact repelled by true intimacy. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. Baker Resume Fundamentals Explained Within the space of only a few sentences, you must accurately convey both your qualification for this position and also what makes you stick out from the other applicants. Whenever you truly want to have that task, then you need to send all them a targeted resume. There are lots of standard selections of resumes used to earn application for task openings. Make certain you have a minumum of one case of a time you demonstrated each of the greates t skills listed here. You don't need to present any personal or private info on the continue. Then choose the browser window to return towards the internet page of which you will stick your work application. Your email address will probably be utilized as your sign in name helping you to return to our website to upgrade the profile. Also, make sure there's a professional-sounding email address. Baker Resume: the Ultimate Convenience! Cooks are broken up into various locations. They are expected to have the ability to follow recipes, and demonstrate a good understanding of food combinations. Line cooks are liable for actually filling orders since they arrive in from the servers. It's also wise to tailor your continue to demonstrate the way by which your work experience specifically satisfies the essentials of the work which most likely attempting to get. A couple of two things you might already understand after you commence to find work. You specify that you're looking for someone with cooking experience and client service abilities. Whether you're searching for your very first job in a professional kitchen or have years of experience at stake, you are in need of a strong resume to showcase your abilities and capabilities. Team Player A chef a part of a team and have to be in a position to work nicely with other folks. Express that you're honored to accept the opportunity, and the way you aspire to add to the success of the business. What kind of Service Works My Best Resume is wholly self-directed, which means degree of time it can take to go through the entire process will change via person to person. The competition in the current day's job market is quite tough. If you create your continue non-public, employers can't locate your continue, so they cannot get in contact with you if indeed they think you could be perfect for employment. Regardless of what industry, employers like to employ candidates that understand how to create the cus tomer happy. Indicate the skills which you've learned and that could benefit the firm. After stating your experience in the market, states a number of the vital skills which you have that enable you to grow as a professional, and which can help you grow with the organization you're applying to. The Tried and True Method for Baker Resume in Step by Step Detail You need a multi-pronged search strategy to be prosperous. You have to organize your work application to help companies evaluate your encounter. In precisely the same vein, it's intelligent to incorporate any other relevant certifications, including a food safety certificate. You understand how important it's to keep up your cool once the heat is on, and so does the possible employers you're applying to. In addition, you can look for line cook jobs on Monster. As it shows your finest cuts fast. Baker Resume: No Longer a Mystery To learn more on what it requires to be a Personal Banker, have a look at our complete Pe rsonal Banker Job Description. Again anytime you are able to mention Business Administrative specific abilities, please do so and feature them prominently on top of your bulleted list. Direct Marketing was made to be impactful and to immediately achieve the reader's attention so they need to read more. Job application web templates can range depending on the work niche marketplace. A Startling Fact about Baker Resume Uncovered Resume Constructor The continue builder is remarkably easy to use. Resume Builder The work application building procedure is extremely effortless. A perfect selection intended for prospects with tons of experience who want to get a great one-page job application template. Several formats and designs readily available, Curriculum vitae Now-Resume builder is the best spot to make work earning resumes. Want to Know More About Baker Resume? The part of a baker involves performing different functions to realize delicious products. The individual who wil l read your resume will probably be the shop or restaurant owner. The shop proprietor will be entrusting the shop to you. Estimate bakery wants and help out with requisitioning and keeping adequate supplies for baking operations.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Putting Address on Resume

Facts, Fiction and Putting Address on Resume So long as employers aren't inconvenienced on account of where your home is, your address won't be a problem. Although some employers may search for and use your address in a couple of various ways, it's sensitive information you should provide if and when you feel comfortable. If you have opted to include your address, there are a couple of ways you are able to go about doing it. You don't need to include your house address, even though there may be some situations when doing so would be advisable. Key Pieces of Putting Address on Resume Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. If you don't supply the info needed for the hiring agency to ascertain your qualifications, you may not be considered for the job. You have to tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular needs of the job that you're applying for. YOU'VE JUST GOTTEN BACK fr om a calendar year away and now you should get work. If you work in a creative field, think about developing a personal site with a mobile-responsive design so that you can share your portfolio from any gadget. The proportional length of each work description is crucial. Also, it's polite to make sure you notify someone that you want to use them as a reference and request their permission. If you've located a job posting on a third-party website. Putting Address on Resume: No Longer a Mystery Including a URL to a lousy LinkedIn profile will do more damage than good. The LinkedIn URL ought to go in the header along with the remainder of your contact info. LinkedIn is among the most effective career tools for your job search besides your resume. LinkedIn on a resume isn't only commonwe highly suggest it. The Foolproof Putting Address on Resume Strategy Without detailed contact info, or with incorrect contact info, employers won't have the ability to get in contact with yo u easily. If you're just starting out, list any local or school credits you've got. Provided that you provide enough info to enable the representative to evaluate your abilities for the role, it's tough to go wrong. References Just as you don't need to be giving out your private info to everyone, neither do your personal and company referees. Using Putting Address on Resume In some instances you could have a gap of a month or two or more between leaving a job and receiving a new job. The choice to deal with family is a significant portion of your own personal story and a window into your values but it does not need to define what happens next in your career! Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is crucial. There are many things that you should notinclude on their resume. There are a number of unique strategies to organize the info on your resume, but the fantasti c old reverse chronological (where your latest experience is listed first) is still your best option. A competitive job market usually means that first impressions matter, and you need to avoid mistakes at any cost. Therefore understanding how to compose a resume is vital. You also ought to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requirements of the job that you're applying for. For children and teens who might not own a lot on their resumes, they ought to incorporate any school or community theater productions they've participated in, in addition to classes they've taken. Do not be concerned if you don't have any legal experience yet. It's vital to highlight your digital work experience, especially if you're trying to find a flexible job. The 30-Second Trick for Putting Address on Resume As an example, after your work title, some job seekers will set the city and state where the business is located. The very best strategy for your resume is dependent upon the duration of your absence from the workforce. There are hundreds and hundreds of individual stories behind a tough choice to step out of full-time employment. At exactly the same time, there are specific jobs where you will need to demonstrate your age (bartenders, by way of example). The capability to speak different foreign languages will always be regarded as a strong point whatever the particular needs of the work position. Unless you're applying for work in IT, you can alsoput your computer skills in the exact same section below an overall core competencies heading. As soon as you've decided where to set your language skills, your next task is to ascertain how to describe them. Your language skills are just a little portion of your resume, therefore it's important that also you recognize how to compose a resume by every section.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Debate Over Should I Include My Address on My Resume

The Debate Over Should I Include My Address on My Resume Recruiters may employ your address to decide on the common expenses of your region to inform the salary offered to you. Private visibility Private resumes aren't visible (and employers cannot find you). You should organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. Your most relevant experience ought to be from the previous 15 decades, so hiring managers only will need to find that, Augustine states. If you want to relocate for work, you most likely already know it's most effective to leave your present address off your resume. There are many reasons why you might rather not share your address. In addition, there are many reasons why you might wish to omit your address on your resume. Many times, a physical address is one particular part of information they may include. Ensure your profile is left up to date instead of merely a repeat of your resume. Employers accessing your profile on a social networking site may see information that could jeopardize a work offer. Possessing an address on a CV can be a great trust component. Possessing a dedicated email won't only help safeguard your privacy, but in addition will help organize your job search by providing you a central repository for company and recruiter contacts. If you document what you were making, you might be selling yourself short, and should you say how much you want to make, you might be killing any prospect of an interview. Another reason you would like to depart from your street address off your resume is simple it's simply not needed. If you own a land line, own real estate or vote, your private information can be found on the internet, Rosenberg states. A safer option would be to locate the exact same posting on a safe site or the firm's direct site. Employers know you have references. Teaching Experience in the event that you already have teaching experience under your belt, make certain you list it here. Recruiters don't wish to have to experience scheduling an interview and having you come in to determine whether you will be suitable. If you found the opening on work board, check to determine whether the job is listed on the firm's website. The form should present your complete work history even every time a work only l asted a couple of weeks. If it isn't pertinent to the job which you're applying for, it is a waste of space and a waste of the business's time. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. Adding the incorrect things or too many things to your resume will prevent you from getting the business job that you desire. Putting an objective statement at the peak of your resume won't help you receive an industry job. Your resume ought to be focused, concise and emphasize achievements and techniques that fit the job that you're applying for. Nearly all resumes also incorporate a concise work history section. There are an infinite number of theories and suggestions about how people that are over age 50 or those who have large employment gaps should write their resume to locate a new position. Other job sites since I have listed below allow you place your resume there under your fantasy job title in case you have aspirations to locate an expert position. In fact, lots of individuals don't have resumes and instead utilize online profiles. Generally, if the other person feels the very same way and would prefer another date, the 2 people don't have a lot of difficulty making that happen.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The 5-Minute Rule for How Make a Resume

The 5-Minute Rule for How Make a Resume The simple truth is, obtaining a simple personal site that highlights your abilities and more importantly your personality go a ways to creating a 3 dimensional persona for the hiring manager. Be certain to highlight people skills and that you understand how to close a deal. Most folks look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. The issue is, a great deal of people don't see it like an art formrather an obligation. This 1 document can make or break your odds of obtaining a work interview. Whether you are searching for your very first job or attempting to earn a career change, the approach starts with your resume. Have a look at our 8 job skills you ought to have page to find some of the things which employers are commonly searching for. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. Before you start writing your resume, do a little research into what sorts of jobs you wish to apply to and what skills those employers are seeking. You realize not only do you need to add your latest work history, but the prospective job is significantly different than your previous one, which means that you're likely to need to do some major tailoring. You ought to use your resume as an opportunity to be noticed and shine! You don't need to include your house address, even though there may be some situations when doing so would be recommended. Also, you are going to interest the reader and represent your competence in a particular matter. The Nuiances of How Make a Resume Take a look at our sample to find out what a good construction resume looks like. For instance, your private situation may be ideal for a Certifications and Courses Completed section. Possessing a strong resume will permit you find several great jobs. A good resume is tough to come by. The Nuiances of How Make a Resume Bear in mind a prospective employer can request a duplicate of your transcripts, thus it's important to be up front and truthful about your GPA. See the word professional. Also, be certain that there is enough white space on the page to ensure it is simple to scan. The content below this section is dependent upon where you're at in your career. Well, a part of software analyzes your resume for sure keywords and provides you a score based how well your resume matches a predetermined collection of keywords chosen by the business you're interviewing with. 1 page to two pages max, based on your field, level of knowledge and skill collection. There continue to be a few standard guidelines that you may follow to assist you produce a high-quality resume that will get you noticed by a possible employer. There are dozens and dozens of possible skills to look at using. Learn about the three kinds of skills it's possible to highlight and the way you're able to incorporate them into your resume. If you're a career changer, a combination resume lets you highlight relevant transferrable abilities and accomplishments while additionally supplying a snapshot in your background. A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. If you are in need of a quick kick-start on developing a template first, take a look at a resume builder before employing a professional. For almost whatever you want to include on a resume, there's a category to help organize it. Font styles, likewise, ought to be clean and simple to read.